The Step Up For Students Scholarship

Step Up For Students was created to help alleviate the enormous educational challenges faced by children in Florida who live in or near poverty. The program provides Tax Credit Scholarships to students in K-12 who come from low-income families. These scholarships allow the students to consider a participating private school or an out-of-district public school that may better suit their individual needs, an option which already is available to families of greater financial means. This choice is not based on whether the public school is judged as succeeding or failing. Rather, it recognizes that different children learn in different ways and that our collective struggle is to help the students who often are at the greatest disadvantage in modern education.

To apply or for more information, visit:

Glad Tidings Academy In-house Financial Assistance

This is a needs based program for families at Glad Tidings Academy. For more information or to apply, call: (407)292-9998.

Multi-child discounts

Do you have more than one child that you intend to enroll at Glad Tidings Academy? Then call us today at (407)292-9998 for more information on available discounts.